Polzeros Fortran77 program for computing the roots of a polynomial by means of simultaneous iterations. Reference: D. A. Bini, Numerical Computation of Polynomial Zeros
by Means of Aberth's Method, Numer. Algo., 13 (1996),
Polzeros Fortran90 implementation of Polzeros provided by Alan Miller CSIRO
Mathematical & Information Sciences, Private Bag 10, Clayton
South MDC, Victoria, Australia 3169.
SMCSolver Structured Markov Chains Solver in Fortran 95 with a graphical interface. Implementation of the most advanced algorithm for the solution of structured Markov chains including QBD, M/G/1, G/M/1, Non-Skip-Free.
SMCSolver Structured Markov Chains Solver Matlab Version, by Benny Van Houdt.
Fortran 95 module for computing generalized eigenvalues of tridiagonal matrices. Reference: D.A. Bini, L. Gemignani, F. Tisseur, The Ehrlich-Aberth Method for the Nonsymmetric Tridiagonal Eigenvalue Problem. SIAM J. Matrix Analysis Appl. vol. 27, pp. 153-175, 2005
Fortran 95 Module for computing roots of polynomials by means of the inverse power method applied to a diagonal plus rank-one matrix. reference: D.A. Bini, L. Gemignani, V. Pan, Inverse power and Durand-Kerner iterations for univariate polynomial root-finding. Comput. Math. Appl. 47 (2004), no. 2-3, 447--459.
PCI Parametric Curve Intersection Fortran 95 module for computing the intersection of parametric curves by means of simultaneous iterations.
Reference: D.A. Bini and A. Marco, "Computing curve intersection by
means of simultaneous iterations", Numer. Algo. vol. 43, pp. 151-175, 2006.
Efficient and stable solution of Hessenberg linear
A Unitary Hessenberg QR-based algorithm via semiseparable matrices:
Fast QR iteration for companion matrices:
Antireflective boundary conditions Pacchetti di funzioni matlab per svolgere operazioni con l'algebra delle matrici generate da condizioni anti-riflettenti. Tale codice estende il toolbox "RestoreTools" (http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~nagy/RestoreTools) con le CC anti-riflettenti per il prodotto matrice-vettore e quindi per tutti i metodi iterativi regolarizzanti (CGLS, PCGLS, etc.).
E' disponibile un codice per risolvere in modo ``fast'' il sistema lineare derivante da condizioni al contorno anti-riflettenti e PSF fortemente simmetrica (utilizza la DST).
Software per ricostruzioni SPECT Software prototipale in linguaggio C, che implementa la ricostruzione di immagini mediche di tipo SPECT mediante pixel naturali; scegliendo le routine apposite, è possibile tenere o meno conto dell’effetto di attenuazione.